Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Language Confusion in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Essay

Language Confusion in Shakespeares Twelfth Night - Essay ExampleIn literary critics, views that Feste has assumed the spirit of the Twelve Night festivities which involves having fun and tossing the bird towards authority figures (Ford, 145).Despite the belief by Caesario, the disguised Olivia, she believes that Feste remains one of the wisest cats in Illyria. The description fits Feste through his expressed genius nature with words. Feste is indue with the talent of punning, clever banter and word play. It is amazing how Feste utilizes his skills throughout the Twelfth Night (Ford, 148).Feste appears fond of amicably sizing up situations as they come and at the same time the characters around him allowing him to discern the rabidity of the individuals around him. The character not only tickles individuals but, at the same time ends up providing him with an opportunity to suck a few bucks. Feste mocks the Olivia saying that she has over indulge in mourning which, he, Feste, views as a inadvisable behavior. Further, Feste mocks Duke Orsinos moods as being excess. To emphasize the extent he compares Orsinos mind with an apal that constantly changes its strain (Ford,

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